Temple Courtyard (Dead) – Jade Empire Walkthrough

This guide details a specific part of Chapter 5 in Jade Empire, not to be confused with Temple Courtyard (Alive) in Chapter 6. It is complete with a map, legend, and walkthrough.


1 – Arrival
2 – Thirteen Statues
3 – Lost Spirits
4 – Red Ministers
5 – Spirit Font
6 – Spirit Font
7 – The Water Dragon
8 – Spirit Font
9 – Exit


The foulness corrupting Dirge is not fully cleansed yet. You must continue up to the Water Dragon’s temple and face the Minion of Suffering’s master – an unnatural manifestation of all that is evil.

1 – Arrival

Now that the second fountain has been restored within the Inner Courtyard, you’re able to make the final approach to the Water Dragon’s temple.

2 – Thirteen Statues

An inscription describes the purpose of these thirteen statues: “Here lies Monk An Daoquan, the first Spirit Monk of Dirge, and his twelve brothers. In return for their faithful service, the Water Dragon set these thirteen aside. These thirteen monks never traveled the journey to the underworld, but instead became one with the Water Dragon herself.”

3 – Lost Spirits

A trio of Lost Spirits will spawn as you move to explore the western platform.

4 – Red Ministers

As soon as you step on this platform, a Lost Spirit and two Red Ministers will rise from the ground. This battle is actually quite difficult, considering the fact that Red Ministers have the ability to siphon your chi. Make sure you have Abbot set to his Support mode or you could find yourself depleted of Chi almost immediately.

5 – Spirit Font

Meditating at a Spirit Font will restore all of your character’s Health and Chi.

6 – Spirit Font

Meditating at a Spirit Font will restore all of your character’s Health and Chi.

7 – The Water Dragon

Once again, you’re granted an audience with the Water Dragon. She thanks you for restoring her fountains and then sends Abbot Song off to lead his fellow Spirit Monk spirits to victory against the Imperial Guards.

She goes on to tell you that the Spirit Monks’ victory here at the temple is ultimately up to you. The creature corrupting her temple must be destroyed in order to fully restore Dirge. It’s only after that task is complete that the Water Dragon will have enough power to grant rest to her servants and send you back to the land of the living.

8 – Spirit Font

Meditating at a Spirit Font will restore all of your character’s Health and Chi.

9 – Exit

Pass through these doors to enter the Temple of Dirge and confront the evil corrupting it.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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