Zin Bu

jade empire follower zinbu


Zin Bu the Magic Abacus is a celestial bureaucrat who seeks to shift over to sales. Check back often; his magical store occasionally restocks itself to help you on your journey.

Note: Simply select Zin Bu from the followers screen to enter his store.
Location: Heaven – Appears near entrance

Notable Game Influence:

Zin Bu is a very useful tool in Jade Empire, as he allows you to buy and sell equipment at any time. While you won’t get as much money for your gems when selling to him, he does stock a nice assortment of gems, techniques, and styles during each of the game’s chapters after he’s joined as a follower. Here’s a full list of what you can buy from him, and when:

Chapter Two

  • Inferior Monk Gem (Gem)
  • Inferior Scholar Gem (Gem)
  • Inferior Warrior Gem (Gem)
  • Leaping Tiger (Style)
  • Legendary Strike (Style)
  • Scholar Gem (Gem)

Chapter Three

  • A Vial of Sulfurous Water (Plot Item)
  • Cow Bezoar (Plot Item)
  • Gem of Unity (Gem)
  • Heavenly Wave (Style)
  • Lightning Gem (Gem)
  • The Gilded Tongue (Gem)
  • Tiger Mantra (Technique)
  • White Demon (Style)

Chapter Four

  • Burning Essence (Gem)
  • Warrior of the Unyielding Heart (Technique)

Chapter Five

  • Cyclone Gem (Gem)
  • Superior Monk Gem (Gem)
  • Superior Scholar Gem (Gem)
  • Superior Warrior Gem (Gem)

Chapter Six

  • Flawless Scholar Gem (Gem)
  • The Path of the Monk (Technique)
  • The Path of the Scholar (Technique)
  • The Path of the Warrior (Technique)
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