icarus mining featured image

Mining – ICARUS

To create tools that are more complicated than a stone axe or a mortar and pestle, you’ll need to do some mining. Here’s what you’ll need to create usable metals: Other things to keep in mind: Deep Mining There are…

icarus extracting

How to Get Exotics – ICARUS

Exotics! Lore-wise, they’re the reason every faction in space is so interested in Icarus. Gameplay-wise, they’re the currency you’ll need to unlock the high-tier Workshop equipment. In this guide, we’ll go over how to first acquire Exotics, as well as…

Missions – ICARUS

In ICARUS, you’ll spend most of your time completing prospects (missions) for the various factions attempting to extract resources from the eponymous planet. These range from simple exploration jobs to long and dangerous treks to recover downed satellites or rare…

CONCEALMENT: Recovery Mission Walkthrough — ICARUS

Sinotai has… misplaced a couple of biological containment units (scorpion breeders). So, they want one of your prospectors to drop in and erase any evidence of these exotics-mutated disasters (giant venomous scorpions). In CONCEALMENT: Recovery you will grind up some…

Hunting Polar Bears in ICARUS

Do giant, furry, snow-colored creatures prowl around the rocky crags of your worst nightmares? Are your prospectors dreading missions where they have to trudge through the Southern Glacier or hunt and skin polar bears? It might help to have some…