How to Solve the Bell Tower’s Puzzle Door – Hogwarts Legacy

The puzzle door room in the Bell Tower can only be accessed after the quest, The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament because the player needs the spell Alohamora to open the lock. The puzzle door is located behind a locked door on the south side of the Bell Tower. The easiest way to get there is to go to the Tranfiguration Classroom Floo Flame. From there, enter the door to the north of the floo flame and head up the stairs to your right.

The locked door to the puzzle will be at the top of the stairs. In order to open it, players will need to put the correct symbols on each of the two question mark panels in the area. The player can cast Revelio to make the panels glow blue.

Solution to Puzzle Door

The symbol panels to open the puzzle door are just to the left and right of the door itself. The double question mark panel is on the right when facing the door, and the single question mark panel is on the left. The correct symbol for the double question mark panel is the Three-headed Snake, and the correct symbol for the single question mark panel is the Lizard.

hogwarts legacy bell tower puzzle door solutions
Another day, another puzzle


For the Bell Tower’s puzzle door, shown below, we can see that the top triangle for the single question mark panel was 2 + Griphorn Head (2) + ? 6 (Lizard) = 10. In addition, the bottom triangle was 1 + 3 + ?? Three-headed Snake (3) = 7.

hogwarts legacy puzzle door guide all icons and numbered
Reference Sheet
hogwarts legacy puzzle doors bell tower puzzle

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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