Hellgate: London

Hellgate: London Preview

1Up has published a brief preview of Hellgate: London, based upon what we know about Flagship Studios’ RPG at this point in development. One of their noted reservations: OK, so we’re a little fixated on the near-total lack of a…

Hellgate: London Developer Diary

Flagship Studios art director Phil Shenk has penned a diary over at IGN PC that reveals the process he went through creating a modern day Templar Knight for Hellgate: London. An excerpt to follow: The idea in the written description…

Hellgate: London Interview

ComputerAndVideoGames.com has conducted an interview with Flagship Studios’ Bill Roper, in which the developer answers several questions about their upcoming action RPG, Hellgate: London. A little something to start you off: Q: It looks like you can use some crazy…

Hellgate: London E3 Previews

Flagship Studios’ Hellgate: London continues to receive press coverage, with another pair of E3 previews reaching the web. The first is at VGO Network: Speaking of weapons, Flagship estimates close to 100 base weapons in the final version of the…

Hellgate: London E3 Preview

GameMethod has put together a preview of Hellgate: London, after checking out the RPG firsthand at this year’s E3. Here’s a taste: Interestingly, each time you enter the city streets you’ll be inserted into a randomly generated neighborhood. On one…

Hellgate: London E3 Preview

GamesRadar has published a detailed two-page preview of Hellgate: London, after seeing Flagship Studios’ action RPG firsthand during this year’s E3. A snippet: Despite the FP perspective and the odd bit of screen furniture swiped from shooters, we saw nothing…

Hellgate: London E3 Previews

Both Boomtown and Fragland have written up previews of Flagship Studios’ Hellgate: London, based upon a demonstration of the RPG during E3. A snip from Boomtown’s article: Hellgate: London has been in development for 18 months now, and the game…

Hellgate: London E3 Preview

RPG Vault has dished up a preview of Hellgate: London, after receiving a demo of the RPG from Flagship Studios chief creative officer Erich Schaefer during this year’s E3. One paragraph to follow: Although the demo showcased combat, Schaefer noted…

Hellgate: London E3 Previews

A couple of new previews for Flagship Studios’ Hellgate: London have surfaced, both of which are based on E3 impressions. The first is at ActionTrip: In a word, the game is supposed to be an action RPG, just with FPS…