Hellgate: London

Hellgate: London Video Interview

HellgateGuru has released a 24-minute video interview they conducted with Flagship Studios’ Bill Roper about Hellgate: London. Apparently the interview was done “in the back of a van during his trip to China a month ago.”

Hellgate: London Screenshots

WorthPlaying was able to get their hands on a half dozen screenshots showing off newly announced features in Flagship Studios’ Hellgate: London.

Hellgate: London Audio Interview

HellgateGuru had the chance to sit down with Flagship Studios’ Ivan Sulic, Brennan Plunkett, Pat Harris, and Chris Lambert for a thirty-question audio interview about Hellgate: London.

Hellgate: London Interview

Hellgate Guru had the chance to sit down with Flagship Studios community manager Ivan Sulic for another short Q&A about Hellgate: London. Q: Will there be cloth robes, cloaks or trenchcoats in the game and if so, will they have…

Hellgate: London Screenshots

Flagship Studios’ official Hellgate: London website has been updated with three new screenshots showing off the game’s shields.

Hellgate: London Video Interview

The guys at IGN PC were able to track down Hellgate: London lead designer Erich Schaefer for an audio interview on top of a batch of HD gameplay footage from the action RPG.

Hellgate: London Preview

GameDaily is offering up a detailed three-page preview of Flagship Studios’ highly anticipated action RPG, Hellgate: London. A lot of research has gone into the development of the game’s high-tech weapons and armor, using believable real-world technology to explain their…

Hellgate: London Interview

HellgateGuru has published an interview with Flagship Studios’ Ivan Sulic, in which the community manager answers twenty more questions about the upcoming action RPG. Q: Is there any PVP model that you are considering in HGL? If so, is it…

Hellgate: London Comic Book Interview

IGN Comics has published a two-page interview with Dark Horse Comics’ Dave Land about the new Hellgate: London comic book miniseries they are creating. Q: How much freedom did you have in crafting the comic-book story? Were you given a…