Hellgate: London

Hellgate: London Preview

GameSpot has whipped up another short preview of Hellgate: London, after checking out the latest build of Flagship’s demon-infested action RPG at a recent press event. The game itself looks much more complete than it has on previous occasions. It…

Hellgate: London Voice Chat Provided by Xfire

Gamasutra is reporting that Xfire will be providing the voice chat functionality for players logged into Flagship Studios’ Hellgate: London. Using Xfire’s peer-to-peer communication system, gamers have the ability to chat with fellow gamers without needing to manage a standalone…

Hellgate: London Interview

IAHGames’ official Hellgate Resistance website is featuring a new video interview with Flagship Studios director of technology Tyler Thompson. The six-and-a-half minute clip covers skill trees, damage types, grouping strategies, and more. An excerpt: Q: “I understand you’re the man…

Hellgate: London / Mass Effect Podcast Interviews

The folks at Gamerscore Blog have posted a thirtieth podcast episode, which features PAX interviews with Flagship Studios’ Tricia Gray and BioWare’s Jay Watamaniuk about Hellgate: London and Mass Effect (respectively). The podcast contains a few other interviews too, in…

Hellgate: London Caption Contest #2

IAHGames’ Hellgate Resistance website has been updated with another exclusive screenshot as part of a second caption contest they’re hosting over the next two weeks. I’d like to get my hands on one of those posters.

Hellgate: London Screenshots

Hooked Gamers has uploaded twenty new Hellgate: London screenshots that appear to have been released at the Leipzig Games Convention.

Hellgate: London Leipzig GC Videos

GameTrailers has uploaded two new Hellgate: London videos from the Leipzig Games Convention that feature Flagship CEO Bill Roper demonstrating a couple of different quests with the game’s cabalist and engineer professions.

Hellgate: London Video Interview

inHellgate.de is hosting a 63-minute Hellgate: London interview they did with Flagship Studios’ Bill Roper during the recent Leipzig Games Convention. If you can take your attention off all the Coca-Cola bottles, it’s a good listen.

Hellgate: London Previews

Both GameSpy and IGN have written up reports of Hellgate: London’s showing at this week’s Leipzig Games Convention. A snip from GameSpy’s article: The Summoner has gotten an exceptionally powerful addition to its arsenal in the form of a new…