
baldur's gate 2 character creation

Character Creation – Baldur’s Gate II

This guide is a collection of tips for character creation in Baldur’s Gate II. These tips were provided by GameBanshee users. General Character Tips Single Class Characters (NPCs) (Special Classes) (Fighters) (Thieves) (Thief Munchkin Tactic) The super-traps, on the other…

baldur's gate 2 unlimited hit points

Unlimited Hit Points – Baldur’s Gate II

This guide is a collection of tips for gaining unlimited hit points in Baldur’s Gate II. These tips were provided by GameBanshee users. Wizard’s Familiar If you are capable of casting wizard spells and you have the spell summon familiar,…

baldur's gate 2 lots of items

Lots of Items – Baldur’s Gate II

This guide is a collection of tips for gaining lots of items in Baldur’s Gate II. These tips were provided by GameBanshee users. Mordenkainen Goodness Greenstone Amulets are limitless, just summon a Mordenkainen’s Sword and kill it with magic missiles…

baldur's gate 2 lots of gold

Lots of Gold – Baldur’s Gate II

This guide is a collection of tips for gaining lots of gold in Baldur’s Gate II. These tips were provided by GameBanshee users. Reputation, Charisma, & Pickpocketing Submitted By: Jason Increase Charisma To 25 I’m not sure exactly what Charisma…

baldur's gate 2 importing items

Importing Items – Baldur’s Gate II

This guide is a collection of tips for importing items in Baldur’s Gate II. These tips were provided by GameBanshee users. Importing From Baldur’s Gate 1 If you begin BGII with an imported character you will obviously lose all of…

baldurs gate 2 battling yaga shura

Battling Yaga-Shura – Baldur’s Gate II

This guide is a collection of strategies for battling Yaga-Shura in the Throne of Bhaal expansion for Baldur’s Gate II. These tips were provided by GameBanshee users. Concentrate on One Don’t stand to fight the other monsters (Fire Giants and…

baldurs gate 2 battling shangalar

Battling Shangalar – Baldur’s Gate II

This guide is a collection of strategies for battling Shangalar and the Twisted Rune in Baldur’s Gate II. These tips were provided by GameBanshee users. Battlefest I got tired of Shangalar fireballing at me from behind, so I had Yoshimo…