Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones Interview

There’s an article-style interview with fantasy author George R.R. Martin on Joystiq, with a majority of the (relatively short) discussion focusing on Cyanide’s upcoming Game of Thrones RPG. Here are a couple of paragraphs to get you started: “The entire…

Game of Thrones “Story” Trailer and Podcast Interview

When you’re finished listening to the audio interview with public relations rep Aram Jabbari and QA lead Scott Williams on A Podcast of Ice and Fire, there’s a brand new two-minute “story” trailer to take in for Cyanide’s Game of…

Game of Thrones Combat Overview Trailer

In this new three-minute video for Game of Thrones, Atlus’ Aram Jabbari gives us an in-depth look at the game’s combat system, weaponry, character classes, and multi-class capabilities. This is the best look we’ve been given of the game’s mechanics…

Game of Thrones Castlewood Trailer

To complement the screenshots that Focus Home sent out earlier in the week, North American publisher Atlus sent over a new trailer to better showcase the township of Castlewood and the events that are transpiring there. This is in addition…

Game of Thrones Castlewood Screenshots

Focus Home and Cyanide Studio fired over a half dozen screenshots late yesterday depicting the township of Castlewood, an original location pulled from the A Song of Ice and Fire book series for their Game of Thrones RPG. Here’s a…

Game of Thrones Riverspring Trailer, Screenshots

In addition to a bevy of new screenshots, Atlus and Cyanide Studio have cranked out a new Game of Thrones teaser trailer that spotlights the town of Riverspring and the discontent that exists amongst its populace. It’s a bit short,…

Game of Thrones Preview

Previews on the upcoming Game of Thrones RPG from Cyanide seems to be few and far between, with this short piece from Electronic Theatre apparently being the latest available. Here’s a sampling on the mechanics: The team behind A Game…

Game of Thrones Receives Classification in Australia

Earlier this week, Cyanide’s Game of Thrones RPG received classification in Australia, and it’s been rated “MA 15+” for “strong violence, sexual violence, and coarse language.” Unfortunately, the board doesn’t offer a detailed description on why the classification was chosen,…

Game of Thrones Screenshots

There are a half dozen new screenshots from Atlus and Cyanide’s Game of Thrones ready for your viewing over in our image gallery this morning, with this latest batch depicting some additional (properly) gloomy environments, a funeral ceremony, and a…