Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones Preview

The Guardian is offering a new, unfortunately hands-off, preview for Cyanide’s Game of Thrones RPG, which nevertheless offers a good overview of the title. Here’s a snip: Despite the characters’ carefully crafted back-stories, you can choose between three character classes…

Game of Thrones “Behind the Wall” Developer Diary Video

In this new “Behind the Wall” developer diary video for Game of Thrones, we hear from lead designer Sylvain Sechi and project director Thomas Veauclin about the history behind the game’s development, their focus on staying faithful to George R.R.…

Game of Thrones Previews

We have rounded up two new, apparently hands-on, previews for Cyanide’s Game of Thrones RPG, which seems to be combining George R.R. Martin’s setting with slow-mo combat that is reminiscent of Knights of the Old Republic and the console version…

Game of Thrones Interview

Rock, Paper, Shotgun’s Alec Meer has quizzed Cyanide’s Sylvain Sechi and Thomas Veauclin on the upcoming Game of Thrones RPG. The game’s development cycle, how the developers approached the setting, why they decided to not have horses in the game,…

Game of Thrones Gameplay Footage

The folks at GamesRadar are offering a hefty chunk of commented gameplay footage for Cyanide’s Game of Thrones RPG, the first 30 minutes of the title in the fact, which give us a look at the title’s narrative and gameplay,…

Game of Thrones Previews

We have rounded up a new batch of previews for Cyanide’s Game of Thrones RPG based on the recent press event, starting with Digital Spy, with a few words on the title’s combat: Combat features some light action elements, but…

Game of Thrones Interview

Mature Gaming had the chance to interview Cyanide’s lead designer Sylvain Sechi and project director Thomas Veauclin on the upcoming Game of Thrones RPG. In the article style interview the two developers tackle the title’s art style, inspirations, difficulty modes…

Game of Thrones Previews, Video Interview, and Screenshots

Atlus recently hosted a European press event for Cyanide’s forthcoming RPG Game of Thrones, and that means we have five new screenshots, a video interview, and an assortment of previews to send you off to. Let’s start things off with…

Game of Thrones King’s Landing Details and Screenshots

Atlus and Cyanide have opened up a new King’s Landing section on the official Game of Thrones website, and with it comes the addition of four new screenshots (that we’ve mirrored in our image gallery). Here is the opening blurb:…