This guide will help you complete the Legacy quest in Game of Thrones.
Legacy Map
Legacy Walkthrough
For this quest you’ll need to return to Riverspring. If you haven’t been there in a while, then you might find some new stuff to see. Anybody you kept out of prison during the riot will want to talk to you, and you’ll also meet a new shopkeeper depending on who you supported during the riot. If you supported the peasants then you’ll find a hawker in the marketplace, if you supported the guards and nobles then you’ll find a merchant at the docks, and if you took a middle ground then you’ll find a quartermaster in Riverspring Castle’s Courtyard.
Also, as you make your way to Riverspring Castle, you’ll trigger a pair of encounters. While you’re still in King’s Landing, you’ll run into Marianne Harlton, Lord Harlton’s niece, and you’ll get a brief introduction to her. Then in Riverspring you’ll meet Victor the Ferryman, who will agree to take you to Castlewood (Lord Harlton’s home) when you’re ready to go.
Inside Riverspring Castle, you’ll need to head to the throne room to talk to your sister Elyana (#1). When you tell her that Valarr was responsible for Gawen’s death, she’ll finally realize that Valarr is a monster, and she’ll ask you to help her break off the marriage. But when you ask Elyana where your father might have hid his documents about Valarr, she won’t have any idea, and she’ll suggest that you talk to Maester Harwyn. Your conversation with Elyana will earn you 100 xp and also trigger the quest Rings and Chains.
At Harwyn (#2), when you ask him about your father’s documents, he’ll describe to you the night Gawen got caught going through your father’s things, which is what caused him to be disinherited. You’ll then take control of Raynald Sarwyck, and you’ll need to lead him from the dining hall to his office to the south. For some reason, you won’t be able to use the map screen to see where you’re going, and you’ll have to proceed at a slow walk. When you reach the office (#3), Raynald’s conversation with Gawen will play out, and then you’ll re-gain control of Alester.
If you search all of the interactive spots in Raynald’s office, then you won’t find the documents. For better results, you’ll need to use your Vision of R’hllor ability. If you use it in the northern part of the office, then you’ll find a secret room containing
Raynald Sarwyck’s Collar and
The Father’s Key. If you use it in the southern part of the office, then you’ll detect a door with several keyholes, plus a codex clue for how to open it. You’ll need to open this door to proceed further in the quest.
You’ll have two choices for opening the door:
The option that you choose will net you 300 xp and allow you to open up the door in your father’s office (#3), which will allow you to descend into the Secret Tunnels (via Exit E).
Inside the Secret Tunnels, you’ll have to solve two puzzles:
- For the first puzzle (#15), you’ll have to answer three questions about the Sarwyck sigil. Conveniently, you’ll find it hanging on the wall nearby. The three answers are: “whitewashed,” “broken,” and “on his sigil.” You’ll receive 250 xp for completing the puzzle.
- For the second puzzle (#17), you’ll have to rotate seven wheels to the correct symbol and then pull the lever on the western side of the room. Each wheel is associated with a number (seen by the number of dots surrounding the circle to the left of the wheel), and that number is also associated with a symbol (seen by the number of times the symbol appears on one of the mosaics leading up to the puzzle). Starting with the wheel to the left of the entrance and proceeding clockwise, the correct symbols are: dog (1), flame (2), bloodstain (3), spiked fist (4), bisected angle (5), bird (6), and flower (7). You’ll receive 250 xp for completing the puzzle.
Past the puzzles you’ll come to the meeting room of the Brotherhood. Inside you’ll find a document that will trigger the quest Avenge Riverspring (#20), plus your father’s list of Valarr’s illegal activities (#21). Picking up the list will net you 500 xp. You won’t be able to read the list because of its encryption, so next up you’ll need to deliver it to Lord Harlton at Castlewood. To travel there, you’ll need to talk to Victor the Ferryman at the Riverspring Docks.
At Castlewood, you’ll start out in a small courtyard where you can do some shopping. Then inside the castle, you’ll find the Westeros archive for House Harlton (on the ground next to the throne), and you’ll also encounter Lord Harlton. When you talk to Harlton, he’ll accept the list from you, and he’ll have it delivered to his maester for decryption. Then Harlton will reveal that not only is Jeyne Greystone pregnant with King Robert’s child, she’s also a descendent of the Targaryen line, making her child critically important to the Brotherhood’s plans.
Area Overview
1 – Elyana
2 – Maester Harwyn
3 – Raynald’s Office
If you didn’t spend too many resources during the riot in Riverspring in Chapter 2, then on the eastern wall of the office you’ll find
Tytos Lannister’s Shield.
4 – Secret Room
You’ll find
Raynald Sarwyck’s Collar and
The Father’s Key inside this secret room.
5 – Statue
Hanging on the statue here you’ll find
The Warrior’s Key (using your Vision of R’hllor ability).
6 – Cabinet
On the cabinet here you’ll find
The Stranger’s Key (using your Vision of R’hllor ability).
7 – Fireplace
Inside the fireplace here you’ll find the Westeros archive for The Andals.
8 – Bed
Under the bed here you’ll find
The Maiden’s Key (using your Vision of R’hllor ability).
9 – Wall
You’ll find
The Mother’s Key hanging on the wall here (using your Vision of R’hllor ability).
10 – Throne
You’ll find
The Crone’s Key hanging on the back of the throne here (using your Vision of R’hllor ability).
11 – Fireplace
In the fireplace here you’ll find
The Smith’s Key (using your Vision of R’hllor ability).
12 – Pedestal
On this pedestal you’ll find a
Rusty Sarwyck Breastplate.
13 – Pedestal
On this pedestal you’ll find
Percelion Sarwyck’s Bow.
14 – Ledge / Raynald’s Sarcophagus
On the ledge here you’ll find a
Rusty Sarwyck Barbute. Inside the sarcophagus here you’ll find a pendant that will open up the door in Raynald’s office (#3).
15 – Sigil Puzzle
16 – Crate
Inside the crate you’ll find a
Knight’s Cloak.
17 – Symbol Puzzle
18 – Document
In the shelves here you’ll find the
Minutes of the Shadow Council, which will list all of its members.
19 – Secret Room
You’ll have to use your Vision of R’hllor ability to detect the entrance. Inside, you’ll find a chest containing some silver coins.
20 – Document
In the shelves here you’ll find a document that will reference the Collector. Reading it will trigger the quest Avenge Riverspring.
21 – Document
On the desk here you’ll find
The Brotherhood Documents.
- A. Exit to the Courtyard.
- Stairs between Levels 1 and 2 of Riverspring Castle.
- Entrance to the Tunnels.
- Exit to the Godswood.
- Entrance to the Secret Tunnels.
- Exit to Riverspring.