The Madness of Mr. Mechanical – Freedom Force Mission

This is why you should never bring your work home. Microwave is the locked hero for this mission, so because he is terribly slow, leave him at Freedom Fortress while the rest of the team takes on the giant robot laying waste to the city. Ranged elemental attacks, especially electrical, work the best, so hit Mr. Mechanical with as many as you can. DO NOT attack him with melee attacks while he is moving…any hero that does will be knocked aside and take significant damage in the process. Once you take down one fourth of Mr. Mechanical’s health (250 hp), he will move from one secondary objective building to the next, and as long as any part of a building is standing you complete that objective. Once Mr. Mechanical is near defeat, he will send mechs in waves to destroy the fortress. Microwave should be able to fend them off (especially if he has Clone Self), but if he starts to have trouble, send your fastest hero back to help him (he is defending your home, after all). Once Mr. Mechanical has given up on (or destroyed) the hospital, he will head straight for the Freedom Fortress. Pile on the elemental attacks and the overpowered melee attacks (send Microwave if there are no more Mech Men), and take him down before he turns your base into rubble. When you have defeated him, the level ends, and you get a nice cutscene of him being arrested.

Primary Objectives:

   – Defeat Mr. Mechanical (80 prestige points)
   – Protect the Freedom Fortress (60 prestige points)

Secondary Objectives:

   – Protect the school (40 prestige points)
   – Protect the police station (40 prestige points)
   – Protect the hospital building (40 prestige points)


   – Mr. Mechanical (350 prestige points)


   – 8 Mech Men (35 prestige points each)


   – 1 Green: on rooftop near east corner of map
   – 1 Yellow: under crate near south corner of map
   – 2 Red: 1 on hospital roof, 1 on ground next to Freedom Fortress

New Heroes:

   – None

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
Articles: 1987
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