Strange Visitors – Freedom Force Mission

Minuteman embarks on his first real mission, trying to capture that dirty commie Sukhov in the warehouse district of Patriot City. There are two ways to approach this level. First, If you want to fulfill all the secondary objectives, know that it will take a lot of time and patience. Stay mostly on the rooftops, and sneak up on the thugs from behind. If they see you, the pistol thug will make a break for the guardhouse in an attempt to raise the alarm. In order to knock them all out before this happens, you’ll have to use Strike for Freedom, or play a little thug baseball with a streetlight. Be careful, though, if you knock thugs too far you’ll alert other enemies. The other approach, of course, is to ignore that particular secondary objective entirely and charge headlong into battle. Keep in mind, however, every time an alarm is raised at a guardhouse, another 2 to 4 thugs will pour out of the front door.

As you choose your route through the city, Sukhov waits for you at the far side of the map, and when you finally reach him, it triggers a cutscene. You are next surrounded by several thugs, mind-blanked at the hands of your new pal Mentor. After you mop up the ragtag group, one thug staggers, waiting to be interrogated. This is your chance to run around and clear the map of canisters and enemies. When you are ready, interrogate the ever-swaying thug with Mentor, and the mission ends.

Primary Objectives:

   – Catch Sukhov (80 prestige points)
   – Talk to the Stranger (40 prestige points)
   – Use Mentor to Interrogate the thug (20 prestige points)

Secondary Objectives:

   – Knock out all the thugs (20 prestige points)
   – Don’t alert the guards (80 prestige points)


   – None


   – 12 Traitors with bats (7 prestige points each)
   – 13 Traitors with pistols (12 prestige points each)


   – 2 Red: 1 in center near a guardhouse, 1 on street on the far east of the map
   – 1 Yellow: hidden inside a truck

New Heroes:

   – None

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
Articles: 1987
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