Robots on the Rampage – Freedom Force Mission

The key to the drag out knock down brawl that is this level is all in team management. Essentially, all you need to worry about is destroying all of the robots, but getting both secondary objectives can be a little tricky. The robots only have melee attacks, so this is an ideal level for ranged elemental attacks from El Diablo or Man o’ War. Try to avoid the temptation of using area attacks unless it is called for…even a well-placed hit can do serious collateral damage if your target is too close to a weak structure. Any brawlers you send will need to be tough enough to withstand the large amounts of damage the mechs deal out, but fast enough to cut them off if needs be. If you use two teams of two, you should be able to take out a good deal of enemies simultaneously, and do enough damage quickly enough to complete the secondary objectives.

Primary Objectives:

   – Prevent the robots from destroying 15 buildings (20 prestige points)

Secondary Objectives:

   – Prevent 10 buildings from being destroyed (40 prestige points)
   – Prevent 5 buildings from being destroyed (60 prestige points)


   – None


   – 9 Mech Men (35 prestige points each)


   – 1 Red: on a rooftop on the southeast side
   – 1 Green: on a rooftop with a burger sign on the northwest corner
   – 2 Purple: 1 on rooftop on east side, 1 on rooftop on southeast side

New Heroes:

   – None

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
Articles: 1987
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