In the Nick of Time 2 – Freedom Force Mission

This time it falls to El Diablo to babysit Nick while fighting crime. You only control El Diablo on this level, but it is one of the smallest maps in the game and has few enemies, so as long as you approach it correctly, it isn’t too difficult. Keep El Diablo in the air and on rooftops, and the criminals will all but ignore the bullet-magnet Nick in the alleys below. Just make sure you don’t get too far away from him, Nick can get himself into trouble faster than you think.

The Gangster is in the center of the map, so try to stay to the edges at first and pick off the weaker foes from a distance, so El Diablo isn’t overwhelmed. Hit the Gangster with a few good Tongues of Flame (try to keep the collateral building damage to a minimum), interrogate him, and the level’s over.

Primary Objectives:

   – Arrest the robbers at the Starlight Cinema (40 prestige points)
   – Protect Nick Craft from harm (60 prestige points)

Secondary Objectives:

   – None


   – None


   – 1 Gangster (20 prestige points)
   – 4 Hitmen (15 prestige points each)
   – 2 Thugs with Bats (5 prestige points each)
   – 3 Thugs with Guns (12 prestige points each)


   – 1 Green: in alley in center of map
   – 1 Red: on top of building near center of map

New Heroes:

   – None

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
Articles: 1987
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