Destruction Production – Freedom Force Mission

This is a room-by-room level, similar to your earlier underground adventures, minus the hideous hooded freaks. There is no prestige penalty for collateral damage, so use area attacks like they’re going out of style, and feel free to destroy everything you see (just remember to stay out of the blast radius). Be patient and destroy every mech in a room before moving on. When you come to a defense turret, follow the power cables leading from it to a supply box (there will be a red exclamation point over it). If your heroes use this box, the turrets’ targeting will be overridden, and they will fire on the enemy robots. Once the robots in a room have been defeated, destroy the turret anyway for a little extra prestige. In many instances, you can clear out a room with ranged attacks (and the occasional explosive barrel) from the relative safety of the doorway, so avoid rushing in and being overwhelmed in some of the larger rooms. The arrows will lead you from room to room, ultimately leading you to the reactor room…the ONE room where you have to be careful about stray fire. Use careful single-target ranged attacks to lure the mechs out of the room, where you can pound them without fear of reactor damage. When they have all been defeated, send in one hero to take out the generators in peace and quiet. When they are all destroyed, the level is over.

Primary Objectives:

   – Find and destroy Mr. Mechanical (n/a)
   – Destroy the four power generators (60 prestige points)

Secondary Objectives:

   – None


   – None


   – 27 Mech Men (35 prestige points each)
   – 6 Flame Mechs (50 prestige points each)
   – 8 Turrets (15 prestige points each)


   – 1 Green: in the spare parts room
   – 1 Yellow: inside computer in the communications room
   – 3 Red: 1 in maintenance room, 1 in room with access switch, 1 in control room
   – 4 Purple: 1 behind machine in 2nd room, 1 in 3rd room, 1 in storage room,
   1 in last room

New Heroes:

   – None

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
Articles: 1987
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