Red Sylph

freedom force minion redsylph


  • None
  • Flame Burst
  • Flaming Spear
  • Heat Siphon
  • STR – 4
  • SPD – 5
  • AGL – 5
  • END – 4
  • ENG – 5
Material: Fire
Weight: 110 lbs.

  • Fire: Highly Resistant
  • Cold: Defenseless
  • Electrical: Resistant
  • Acid: Highly Resistant

As a minion of Pan, each sylph is imbued with an element of nature. The Red Sylph is linked to fire, and can project balls of fire from their spears. Additionally, they take less damage from fire attacks, and in fact seem to thrive on them.

Red sylphs are slower but hardier than their green sisters. They can not morph, but they have potent ranged attacks that do explosive fire damage, similar to El Diablo’s Inferno attack. They also can absorb heat damage and convert it to Energy X, even the heat from secondary explosions (such as vehicles or barrels). The best way to approach them is with the team spread out, so the area effect can not hit more than one hero. Keep the sylph pinned down with ranged attacks while your stronger heroes go in for close combat as quickly as possible. Weaker heroes and heroes vulnerable to fire should stay as far back as possible.

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