Purple Darkman

freedom force minion purpledarkman


  • Grim Resolve
  • Rapid Metabolism
  • Rend
  • Darkness Power
  • Cloak of Shadows
  • Uncloak
  • STR – 4
  • SPD – 3
  • AGL – 1
  • END – 4
  • ENG – 4
Material: Flesh
Weight: 190 lbs.

  • Radiation: Defenseless
  • Acid: Defenseless

The Darkmen are minions of Shadow, and as such share in her powers. The Purple Darkmen are armed witha pwoerful ranged explosive attack, and combine this with their ability to blend with the shadows to strike at their enemies from afar.

Purple Darkmen are similar to the Blue, but they do not need to be close to attack you. Their primary attack is a ranged area effect, and can be very damaging to all your heroes. They are best dispatched in close combat, where they are forced to use their melee attack so as to not damage themselves with their energy explosion. While closing the distance, keep the team spread out as much as possible, to keep simultaneous damage down. Like the Blue Darkmen, if you are having difficulty finding the Purple Darkmen when they are cloaked, try an area effect such as Mental Blank to force them to uncloak. They are not particularly tough, so most brawlers won’t have trouble defeating them.

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