Mech Man

freedom force minion mechman


  • Cybernetic Brain
  •  Wrecking Ball
  • STR – 7
  • SPD – 3
  • AGL – 1
  • END – 5
  • ENG – 1
Material: Metal
Weight: 6610 lbs.

  • Piercing: Resistant
  • Crushing Highly Resistant
  • Mental: Resistant
  • Electrical: Vulnerable
  • Radiation: Resistant

Mr. Mechnaical contrsucted the Mech Men with the sane finesse he applied to his archiectural endeavors, meaning it is both uninpsired and without grace. What it lacks in style, it makes up for by being a tough opponent witha massive wrecking ball attached. The Mech men were also built to have a high appetite for destruction.

Mech men are the robotic minions of Mr. Mechanical, and are basically just mobile wrecking balls. They are slow, and do not have a ranged attack, but their melee attack is very powerful. It is almost always best to hit them with ranged attacks until they fall, though you will sometimes have to engage them in melee ccombat to distract them from destroying buildings. If you have to distract them with a weaker hero, go for a hit and run tactic, this will often confuse the Mech Man giving him a mental blank, and making him vulnerable to another attack.

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