Ice Queen

freedom force minion icequeen


  • Jumper
  • Heavy Lifter
  •  Icicle Slash
  • STR – 4
  • SPD – 4
  • AGL – 5
  • END – 5
  • ENG – 1
Material: Frozen
Weight: 190 lbs.

  • Fire: Defenseless
  • Cold: Highly Resistant
  • Electrical: Resistant

As a lackey to the cause of Nuclear Winter, the Ice Queen is made from tough stock, preferring to participate in heavy-handed melee combat. She will almost always close on her enemies quickly, or find a suitable place from which to hurl objects at those she can’t reach with her bare hands.

The Ice Queens are very dangerous, especically in melee combat. They have a very fast and powerful ‘icicle’ attack that will cut a hero to ribbons, especially early in the game. They also have a climbing ability, so running for higher ground won’t necessarily save you. If they can not reach you to brawl, they also have the strength to pick up large objects and hurl them at you. It is best to avoid close combat with them entirely, and stick to ranged attacks (fire, specifically) and thrown objects. If you need to engage them in melee combat, try to do so with a streetlight or similar ‘reach’ object, and try to keep them at bay as best as possible.

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