Green Sylph

freedom force minion greensylph


  •  Neutralize
  • Poison Spear
  • Entangling Vines
  • Morph
  • STR – 4
  • SPD – 4
  • AGL – 6
  • END – 4
  • ENG – 4
Material: Wood
Weight: 230 lbs.

  • Piercing: Resistant
  • Crushing Resistant
  • Fire: Vulnerable
  • Cold: Resistant

As a minion of Pan, each sylp is imbued with an element of nature. The Green Sylph is linked to plant life, and can assume the form of trees and other foliage. They are also able to control nearby plants, entangling their foes before attacking them with poisonous spears.

Green sylphs are the lowliest of Pan’s minions, used primarily to harrass the team and make them more vulnerable to more powerful enemies’ attacks. They can camouflage themselves as evergreen trees, only turning back into sylphs when a hero nears (or when they are fired upon). Their melee attack doesn’t do much initial damage, but it does acid damage, which can add up quickly. Their vine attack can entangle a hero, making him helpless to dodge incoming attacks. Fliers are immune to the vine attack, so they are best suited to take on the sylphs, hitting them with ranged attacks and keeping out of melee range.

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