Flame Mech

freedom force minion flamemech


  •  Cybernetic Brain
  • Flame Gun
  • STR – 4
  • SPD – 3
  • AGL – 1
  • END – 5
  • ENG – 5
Material: Metal
Weight: 6610 lbs.

  • Piercing: Resistant
  • Crushing Highly Resistant
  • Mental: Resistant
  • Electrical: Vulnerable
  • Radiation: Resistant

As if the basic destructive robot concept weren’t enough, Mr. Mechanical decided to create a variant that spouted explosive bursts of flame. This Mech Man is a nasty opponent to anyone without high fire resistances.

Flame Mechs are slightly larger than the regular mech men, though they move at the same speed. Their sole attack is a flame burst…it has relatively short range, and takes a while to ‘fire up’, but can be very damaging. They don’t do much in the sense of structural damage, they exist purely to turn heroes into ash. They have the same electrical weakness as the lesser mechs, but they are tougher, so they’ll take more of a beating before going down. Try to take them out first if they show up with regular Mech Men, as they pose more of a threat to your team. If you have trouble beating them, keep in mind they are susceptible to the same hit and run confusion tactic that works on the other mechs.

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