Deja Vu

freedom force foe dejavu


  • Jumper
  • Timid
  • Radioactive
  • Glass Bones
  • Slap
  • Deja Duplication
  • Reminder Ray
  • STR – 5
  • SPD – 5
  • AGL – 5
  • END – 6
  • ENG – 6
Material: Flesh
Weight: 220 lbs.

  • Crushing Vulnerable
  • Radiation: Resistant
  • Acid: Vulnerable

Imprisoned in an asylum for the criminally insane, Herbery Hooving was going nowhere fast. But when Energy X bombarded the building, Herbert was one of the first to escape using his newfound powers. The energy had given him the ability to clone himself, and doubled his intellect. Unfortunately, it had doubled his insanity as well.

Deja Vu is the reason human cloning is illegal. He has a short range attack that does radiation damage, but he will ordinarily just keep cloning himself until he is defeated. The real Deja Vu always has the longest life bar. Every time he clones himself, the clones have half of his CURRENT life, so the more you damage the real Deja Vu, the weaker his clones are when spawned. The real Deja Vu will often avoid combat to keep sending clones after you, so if you wait too long to take him on, you will quickly become overwhelmed with clones.

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