Blue Darkman

freedom force minion bluedarkman


  • Charged
  • Grim Resolve
  • Rapid Metabolism
  • Unbeliever
  • Rend
  • Electrical Field
  • Cloak of Shadows
  • Uncloak
  • STR – 4
  • SPD – 3
  • AGL – 2
  • END – 4
  • ENG – 4
Material: Flesh
Weight: 190 lbs.

  • Electrical: Resistant
  • Radiation: Defenseless
  • Acid: Defenseless
  • Mythical: Resistant

The Darkmen are minions of Shadow, and as such share in her powers. The Blue Darkmen are able to fade into the shadows, becoming essentially invisible, and then fire off a devastating lightning attack when they feel they are close enough to their prey.

The lesser of the Darkmen, but still rather dangerous. Darkmen can cloak themselves, rendering them practically invisible, so they can be difficult to spot. Blue Darkmen possess no ranged attack, so they will always have to move in relatively close to hit you. While they do have a standard, albeit weak, melee attack, they will almost always use the electric field attack, an area effect with electricity damage. Only send in heroes that are resistant or tough enough to withstand a few blasts, or just keep hitting the Darkman with ranged attacks before he can get to close. If you are having trouble locating them using a nullifying power such as Mental Blank will often force them to uncloak.

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