Freedom Force vs. Third Reich

Cheers & Tears: PC Role-Playing Games and More

Remember when IGN published that “Cheers & Tears” feature that spotlighted the five best and five worst role-playing games on the Xbox 360? Well, now they’ve done the same for the PC, PS3, Wii, and DS. Since we’re most interested…

Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich Reviews

It’s been awhile since we’ve reported about any Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich reviews, but today we bring you news of two fairly positive ones. The first is at Amped IGO with an overall score of 9.1/10: Our recommendation…

Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich Reviews

A handful of new reviews for Irrational Games’ Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich have been posted over the past several days. The first is at AceGamez with an overall score of 8/10: Fans of the original are bound to…

Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich Reviews

Irrational Games’ Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich has received two more positive review scores on the ‘net. The first is at the Cyber Gaming Network with an overall score of 4/5: Even so, a brand-new copy of Freedom Force…

Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich Review

VideoGamesLife has written up a review of Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich, giving the superhero RPG sequel an overall score of 4 Their conclusion to follow: It’s Freedom Force, basically, but with a bit of spit and polish. It…

Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich Review

IC-Games has published their review of Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich, giving the superhero RPG sequel an overall score of 85%. Their conclusion to follow: If the extravagant game play appeals to you and you fancy something that bit…

Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich Reviews

Irrational Games’ Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich is the subject of two more very positive online reviews. The first is at RPG Vault with no overall score: Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich is an excellent game. The single-player…

Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich Review has tossed up a review of Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich, and although they don’t give the superhero RPG sequel an overall score, they obviously thought it was worth playing. Their conclusion: FFvTTR is a must buy for…

Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich Review

LoadedInc has tossed up a review of Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich, giving Irrational’s superhero RPG sequel an overall score of 8.7 Their conclusion: Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich contains a new story, some new characters and updated…

Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich Reviews

Gaming Nexus and GameAxis are the latest websites to bring us reviews for Irrational Games’ Freedom Force sequel. Gaming Nexus gave the game an overall score of 9.1/10: Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich felt a bit shorter than the…