Freedom Force vs. Third Reich

Freedom Force Site Update

Irrational Games’ official Freedom Force website has been updated with ten new screenshots from the game’s Washington Square Park district.

Freedom Force Development Tool

IGN PC has scored an exclusive development tool that allows you to make custom superheroes in Irrational Games’ Freedom Force. In addition to the character tool, they’ve also dished up some brand new screenshots.

Freedom Force Screenshots

X-Treme Gaming Radio has scored a handful of new screenshots from Irrational Games’ superhero RPG, Freedom Force. You’ll find all six of them right here.

Freedom Force Character Bios

A new article on IGN PC offers a brief look at several superheroes in Irrational Games’ Freedom Force, along with new screenshots and an origin movie. Here’s a snip about “Liberty Lad”: “Minuteman’s Shadow” and “The Squirt” are two of…

Freedom Force Preview

GameSpy has kicked up a two-page preview of Freedom Force, the upcoming superhero RPG from Irrational Games. Here’s a bit to get you started: In Freedom Force, you can be one of 14 different superheroes, and control up to three…

Freedom Force Preview

ActionTrip has written up a two-page preview of Freedom Force, the upcoming tactical RPG from Irrational Games. A snippet: Each character also has a unique mixture of stats and attributes. Stats are simple in a sense that they determine the…