Freedom Force vs. Third Reich

Freedom Force Reviews

A couple of new reviews for Irrational Games’ superhero RPG have made their way to the web. The first is over at Gamer’s Hell with an overall score of 8.8/10: In the end, Freedom Force is one of the most…

Freedom Force Review

GameZone Online has tossed up a review of Freedom Force, giving the superhero RPG an overall score of 8.9 Their overall thoughts: The temptation was to rate this game higher, but the stability woes, a few clipping problems, and finite…

Freedom Force Review

ActionTrip has dished up a glowing review of Freedom Force, giving the superhero RPG an overall score of 93%. Check it out: This game does the same thing that comic books do – it grabs your imagination by the short…

Freedom Force Reviews

Another pair of positive reviews for Irrational Games’ Freedom Force surfaced on the web over the past couple of days. The first is at HomeLan Fed with an overall score of 90%: Even with the lackluster multiplayer, the single player…

Freedom Force Review

Frictionless Insight has posted a glowing review of Freedom Force, giving the superhero RPG an overall score of 4.5 Their conclusion: The single player campaign is a rich, enjoyable experience, but the multiplayer game falls far short of its potential.…

Freedom Force Interview

The Gaming Lounge has conducted an interview with Irrational Games’ Jonathon Chey, asking the developer quite a few questions about their superhero RPG, Freedom Force. Check it out: [Travis] Obviously theres been some recent successes at the movies with superhero…

Freedom Force Reviews

Two more glowing reviews of Irrational Games’ Freedom Force hit the web earlier today. The first is at GameSpot with an overall score of 9.0/10: Fortunately, the single-player game is highly replayable, if only because of the nearly limitless number…

Freedom Force Review

GamePro has posted a review of Freedom Force, giving the game an overall score of 4.5 Their final paragraphs to follow: Freedom Force suffers only from a handful of faults. For one, selecting characters to give them commands is difficult,…

Freedom Force Review

GameSpy has posted a review of Freedom Force, giving Irrational Games’ newly released superhero RPG an overall score of 89 Their final two paragraphs: Multiplayer games only allow deathmatches, and half-baked ones at that. There is no skirmish mode against…

Freedom Force Review

IGN PC has posted a very positive two-page review of Freedom Force, giving the superhero RPG an overall score of 9.3 Here’s what they had to say in their conclusion: Freedom Force is, quite simply enough, a truly outstanding game.…