Freedom Force vs. Third Reich

Freedom Force Reviews

The Armchair Empire and The Wargamer are next in line with positive reviews of Irrational Games’ Freedom Force. The Armchair Empire gave the game an overall score of 8.8/10: The only complaint I have with the game is that the…

Freedom Force Interview

Gamer’s Hell has conducted an interview with Irrational Games’ Jonathan Chey, asking the lead designer and project manager several questions about the recently released Freedom Force. Here’s a little something to get you started: Q: A lot of the replayability…

Freedom Force Review

Khabal Gaming has published a review of Freedom Force, giving the RPG an overall score of 7.5 Here’s why: The main fault with Freedom Force is that sometimes, the game lags a little when too many objects move at the…

Freedom Force Review

The Stratos Group has tossed up a review of Freedom Force, giving the squad-based superhero RPG an overall score of 4.4 Here’s a snip from their final paragraph: Freedom Force rocks! Pure and simple. This game is exactly what I…

Freedom Force Review

The Adrenaline Vault has posted a review of Freedom Force, giving Irrational Games’ superhero RPG an overall score of 4.5 Their overall thoughts to follow: Freedom Force is one of the most fun games I’ve had the pleasure of trying…

Freedom Force Review

GameAxis has dished up a review of Freedom Force, giving Irrational Games’ supehero RPG an overall score of 8.2 Here’s how they concluded the review: Will I enjoy this game? Ask yourself the following; (a) Do you savour the chance…

Freedom Force Reviews

Irrational Games’ Freedom Force continues to receive high review scores, and the latest two aren’t going to change that. The first is at AllOutGames with an overall score of 94%: Freedom Force involves some of the best writing, art direction,…

Freedom Force Review

Gone Gold has published a glowing review of Freedom Force, giving the superhero RPG an overall score of 96/100 and their Platinum award. Check it out: You will encounter such heroes as Bullet, who is an America fighter pilot who…

Freedom Force Q&A

The Wargamer has conducted an interview with Irrational Games’ Jonathan Chey, asking the product manager several questins about the recently released Freedom Force. Here’s a bit to get you started: Q: Freedom Force as a title is a Marvel Comics…

Freedom Force Review

If the scope of your gaming likes and dislikes ranges outside the RPG, and you’re thinking about whether or not to buy the Super Hero game, Freedom Force, take a look at RPGDot’s review, which gives it a very high…