Freedom Force vs. Third Reich

Freedom Force Review

Just RPG has posted a review of Freedom Force, giving the superhero tactical RPG an overall score of B+. Their final paragraph: The developer should be admired for creating the environments, supervillains, superheroes, story elements and other facets in this…

Freedom Force Interview

HomeLan Fed has conducted an interview with Irrational Games’ Jonathan Chey, asking the developer several questions about the highly acclaimed Freedom Force and the game’s newly released v1.1 patch. Here’s an excerpt: Q: Are there plans for a full-fledged sequel…

Freedom Force v1.1 Patch Released

Irrational Games has released a version 1.1 patch for Freedom Force, which adds a single player skirmish mode to the game as well as game balance tweaks and bug fixes.

Freedom Force Review

Just in case you still havne’t decided whether or not to buy Freedom Force, head on over to Four Fat Chicks for the latest review of the superhero RPG. Check it out: Ah, the gameplay, you ask. Irrational Games refers…

Freedom Force Review

Strategy Gaming Online has posted a review of Freedom Force, with a somewhat disappointing 7.5/10 as their final score. A snip: It’s not a Truly Great Game, but it’s still a lot of fun, and the design team has been…

Freedom Force Review

RPGVault has dished up a review of Freedom Force, and although they don’t give a final score, the review is positive overall. Their final paragraph: Freedom Force is a truly original game, one that stands out among the rest of…

Freedom Force Review

MonkeyReview is next in line with a review of Freedom Force, giving the tactical RPG an overall score of 4 Their conclusion: Overall, this game is extremely well done. With really small glitches that no one should complain about this…

Freedom Force 2 In The Works?

IGN PC is reporting that Irrational Games is indeed working on a sequel to Freedom Force, based upon discussions they had with the developer at this year’s E3. A snip: Freedom Force is awesome. We know it, you know it,…

Freedom Force Reviews

Two more glowing reviews have hit the web for Irrational Games’ superhero RPG, Freedom Force. The first is at ESCMag with an overall score of 9/10: That said, these are minor complaints about a very entertaining title. I haven’t even…

Freedom Force Mod Interview

HomeLan Fed has conducted an interview with Irrational Games’ Justin Pace, asking the online community liaison several questions about how the company plans to support the Freedom Force mod community in the future. Check it out: Q: How does Irrational…