The Cauldron Brews Evil! – Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich Mission

This guide is one of the missions for Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich. It includes an overview, map, and points of interest.


1 – Starting Point
2 – Cuban Civilians
3 – Doors
4 – Mystic Hands
5 – Frogs
6 – Cauldrons
7 – Dark Shamans
8 – Red Oktober
9 – Massive Cauldron

  1. Minuteman (fixed)
  2. Alchemiss
  3. Green Genie
  4. Tombstone

Mission Overview

This mission is a continuation of the previous mission, and it is very similar. You’ll find more Cuban civilians (#2), more doors (#4), more mystic hands (#4), more frogs (#5), more cauldrons (#6), and more dark shamans (#7). This mission also has more difficulty, with more enemies to kill and a greater number of mystic hands to destroy to open the doors.

At the end of the mission, you’ll find Red Oktober (#8) again. She’ll be in a room with an ice guard, a shurale, a dark shaman, and a massive cauldron (#9). The massive cauldron is a little different than the smaller ones. Instead of regularly producing enemies, it will replace any enemies in the room that you defeat — including Red Oktober. So rush right in and destroy the cauldron. Then take out Red Oktober’s minions and finally Red Oktober herself. Once you’ve defeated Red Oktober, the mission will end.

“You’ve been played for a fool, my Soviet sweetheart!”

Note: After the mission, The Ant will join your team, and Quetzalcoatl will enter into the hero pool.

1 – Starting Point

2 – Cuban Civilians

3 – Doors

4 – Mystic Hands

5 – Frogs

6 – Cauldrons

7 – Dark Shamans

8 – Red Oktober

9 – Massive Cauldron

Primary Objectives (2000 prestige points)

Secondary Objectives (750 prestige points)

  • Rescue all the imprisoned civilians. (250)
  • Smash Red Oktober’s cauldrons. (250)
  • Don’t let any civilians die. (250)

Enemies (999 prestige points)

  • Unlimited dark shamans (30 each)
  • Unlimited ice guards (20 each)
  • Unlimited Red Oktobers (100 each)
  • Unlimited shurales (60 each)

New Heroes

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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