final fantasy x green item 2

Cures most negative status effects from one party member, except for Curse and Doom.

Type of item: Restorative
Shop cost: 1500 gil
Other uses: Can be used as an ingredient for Mix Overdrives, and can grant armor the ‘Auto-Med’ passive (requires 20)

How to Obtain:

Can be bought in the airship after gaining control of it, and found in various chests.

Stolen from: Grat, Great Malboro, Malboro, Malboro Menace, Mandragora, Ochu, Ragora, Sandragora, YAT-99, YKT-63
Bribed from: Grat (100,000 gil for 40), Lord Ochu (116,225 gil for 80), Ochu (170,000 gil for 70), Ragora (19,500 gil for 8), and Sandragora (318,750 gil for 99)
Prize from: Blitzball

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