Brothers Grimm – Fallout Tactics Encounter

fallout tactics special encounter brothersgrimm

In this encounter you’ll meet Joe and Jim, the mutant brothers Grimm. If you talk to Joe, then he’ll tell you that Jim recently stepped on a landmine and that he needs to be patched up. If you heal up Jim (he needs about 60 hit points) the brothers will decide that maybe the Brotherhood isn’t so bad. Supposedly, they’ll then become available as recruits in the recruit pool once your rank reaches Paladin Commander, but this did not work for us (we weren’t able to get any of the special encounter recruits).

You can also rob Joe for a Big Book of Science, a copy of Deans Electronics, and a Super Tool Kit. You won’t find anything on Jim.

“Maybe the Master was wrong. Maybe you normal humans ain’t all scum-sucking fleshbags….”

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Steven Carter
Steven Carter
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