Fallout: New Vegas

Fallout: New Vegas Reviews

Obsidian Entertainment’s return to the post-apocalyptic wasteland is the subject of four more reviews, and they’re all quite favorable. Thunderbolt gives it an 8/10: Fallout: New Vegas is a testament to the fact that the small details are what can…

Fallout: New Vegas Dead Money DLC Teaser Trailer

To better prepare us for next week’s release of Dead Money, Bethesda has sent us over a 66-second teaser trailer for the Xbox 360-exclusive Fallout: New Vegas DLC. Courtesy of our YouTube channel:

IGN’s Best of 2010 Awards

IGN’s Best of 2010 Awards are now online, and once again there are a slew of winners for each platform to sift through. Those of you who don’t want to click on every single category will be happy to hear…

Fallout: New Vegas v1.2.0.310 PC Patch Released

As expected, Bethesda and Obsidian’s v1.2.0.310 patch for Fallout: New Vegas has made its way to Steam. The patch notes are just as descriptive as they were for the PS3 version, too: This update addresses issues with the following areas:…

The Year in Sex 2010

IGN has cranked out a three-page feature that looks back at some of the sexual content we were subjected to in video games this year, and as you might have guessed, Fallout: New Vegas and Mass Effect 2 were both…

The Nearly Impossible Fallout Screenshot Quiz

In an attempt to see how well we know the Capitol and Mojave wastelands, IGN has put together a “nearly impossible” screenshot-laden quiz where viewers must select whether each image comes from Fallout 3 or from Fallout: New Vegas. Maybe…

IGN Does Fallout: New Vegas Yet Again

For their latest “contrarian corner” feature, IGN offers yet another set of impressions for Obsidian’s Fallout: New Vegas. This time, however, it’s clear that the author doesn’t fire up role-playing games all too often: The gameplay system is a disjunctive…

Fallout: New Vegas Getting Another Patch Soon

According to a quick blurb on the official Fallout Facebook page, Bethesda and Obsidian have finished and submitted another patch for New Vegas, which likely means we’ll be seeing it on our platform of choice relatively soon. We’ve wrapped up…

Fallout: New Vegas Reviews

Obsidian Entertainment’s Fallout: New Vegas has been treated to a few more online reviews, and they’re all pretty favorable. RPGCodex liked it, a lot: Obsidian have made a game that isn’t just true to the promises of the fallout universe…