Interplay vs. Bethesda, Finalized?

If this report over at Duck and Cover is to be believed, Interplay and Bethesda have actually reached a settlement to their long-running legal dispute over the rights to the Fallout franchise. Apparently a formal announcement will be incoming later this month:

Today, DAC has confirmation that a settlement has, in fact, taken place. It actually took place the day of the trial – and had I been able to get online and sort through the documents I would have reported as much. We do not yet have the details of the settlement – they will be announced this month (January 2012) – but we can report that on the day of trial, the atmosphere in the court room was tense until the judge recessed. This recess was extended, and then they recessed for lunch. After the lunch recess, the court room was locked to everyone except attorneys and clients. When our source asked why this was the case, our source was told it was because they were working out a settlement. The following day, another source called the court reporter to ask what the next hearing schedule for the case was – this source was told there was no schedule as a settlement had been reached.

It’ll be very interesting to see how it all shook out and if Fallout Online will become a reality yet.

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