Fallout 4 Trademark Was a Hoax

As Computer and Videogames reports, the recent Fallout 4 trademark filing is only one in a string of recent trademark hoaxes that started with the infamous Half-Life 3, all thanks to the Office of Harmonization for the Internal Market’s policies:

Last week, a trademark for Fallout 4 was submitted to the OHIM but it was eventually examined by officials and discarded. In October, a bogus Half-Life 3 application appeared online but was also discarded after being examined.

A spokesperson for OHIM could not comment on individual cases, but provided CVG with documents which explained how anyone can apply for a trademark – meaning the website is exposed to fakes for a short period of time.

One key sign for all community trademark applications of this kind is a “classification examination” tick box. Until OHIM officials tick this box, the application is unverified.

You can check the old links or search on the website and see for yourself. That said, this doesn’t necessarily rule out a Fallout 4 announcement in the near future anyway, as Bethesda officially announced Skyrim at the VGAs in 2010.

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