Bethesda vs. Interplay Preliminary Injunction Transcripts, Continued

Duck and Cover has gotten their hands on additional transcripts from the Interplay vs. Bethesda preliminary injunction hearing. Aside from revealing that Fallout Online is at least a couple years away yet, we learn about the confusion that Interplay’s Fallout Trilogy bundle pack is causing. DAC’s bullet points:

‘¢ Interplay believes that Bethesda purposefully made the language vague as to what “secured funding” means, as Bethesda’s COO Mr. Leder couldn’t even tell the court what it meant.
‘¢ Bethesda claims people called up their customer service complaining about the Fallout Trilogy pack from Interplay
‘¢ Interplay doesn’t believe that
‘¢ Bethesda says Interplay was represented by lawyers when negotiating the contracts
‘¢ Interplay says that isn’t true, it was just Herve Caen
‘¢ Interplay claims that Bethesda purposefully made the language vague as to what “commenced full-scale development” means
‘¢ Project V13 won’t be out for at least 2-3 years
‘¢ If Interplay loses the court battle, they will just change PV13 to not reference any Fallout things. They would basically just make a new IP.

There’s more to follow, so stay tuned.

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