Fallout 3

Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition Review

Gaming Target joins the fray with a two-page review of Bethesda’s Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition, in which they give the compilation pack a score of 9.4 Fallout 3 was already great game, so Fallout 3 GOTY can…

Bethesda/Interplay Lawsuit Filings Detailed

This is essentially a repeat of our earlier news on Interplay’s court filings, but with the added bonus of having significantly less bias to filter through, as Interplay has now summed up its court filings in a recent 8-K filing.…

Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition Review

The guys over at D+PAD have wrangled up a review of Bethesda’s newly released Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition, in which they give the compilation pack a perfect score of 5 Their conclusion: As downloadable content, most of…

The End Is Nigh: Fallout 3

One of the editors over at Resolution Magazine has posted an interesting write-up about how Fallout 3’s narrative and setting were the driving factors for him to relentlessly play the game through to its ending. The narrative is fleshed out…

Dragon Age: Origins, Fallout 3, and Risen Cel-shaded

With Gearbox’s Borderlands receiving a lot of praise for its graphical style, PCGamesHardware has expanded upon a recent GOONL!NE article by giving a handful of Dragon Age: Origins, Fallout 3, and Risen screenshots the cel-shading treatment. I like Borderlands’ visuals,…

The Secrets of Fallout 3

The editors at OXM have put together a list of twenty “secret” factoids about Bethesda Softworks and their post-nuclear RPG sequel. Some of these are pretty well known, but others are a first to me: 8 Actress Courtney Cox worked…

Borderlands vs. Fallout 3

The guys over at College News have penned an article that lists five gameplay elements that they think will make Borderlands a better game than Fallout 3. One of five: Shooting stuff is always better with a friend. Or three.…

Bethesda/Interplay Lawsuit Filings Detailed

Interplay stockholder frymuchan has posted on the Raging Bull Stockholder forum summarizing the court filings done by Interplay in response to Bethesda’s suit. Of interest is that Interplay does not agree that their contract with Bethesda did not allow them…

Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition Review

IGN has taken their original Fallout 3 review and expanded upon it to create a full review of the newly released Game of the Year Edition.  The score is still a 9.6/10, but they’ve sprinkled in several more paragraphs of…

Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition Save Woes

If you’re Canadian and traded in your old copy of Fallout 3 for the DLC-laden Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition, you might want to pay attention to some worrying claims on Bethesda’s forums. Apparently there were two versions…