Fallout 2

The Science of Fallout

GameTrailers TV is hosting a potentially fun featurette in another four-minute “Science of” video with physicist Dr. Michio Kaku. In the spotlight this time around? Fallout. It doesn’t work so much because apparently nobody tipped them off that Fallout is retro-50s…

Content, Not Visuals, Make a New Game

PC Gamer’s Dan Stapleton has a short editorial on the “looks like a mod” complaint for sequels that keep significant assets from the original, using Fallout: New Vegas to Fallout 3, Fallout 2 to Fallout, and Knights of the Old…

How Fallout Taught Me to Survive the Apocalypse

One of GameZone’s more paranoid authors has editorialized about some of the excellent post-nuclear survival tips he’s picked up from playing the Fallout titles. If your silhouette doesn’t get etched into the remains of a building, you’ll probably have to…

Fallout 2 Mods Update

No Mutants Allowed offers a status update on some of the larger ongoing modding projects for Fallout 2, such as Between Good & Evil and Fallout of Nevada. Be sure to check out the new sprite at the bottom of the…

Taking Back Fallout

Obsidian Entertainment CEO Feargus Urquhart took a moment out of his day to field a bunch of questions about the Fallout franchise over at Gamasutra, though most of the interview obviously focuses on the direction they’re taking Fallout: New Vegas.…

The History of Fallout

With Fallout: New Vegas on the horizon, IGN has republished their eight-page history of the Fallout series, though they’ve obviously included some updates since the last time we read it. An enjoyable read, in any event: In 1994, RPG guru…

Tim Cain Video Interview, Part Three

Episode #68 of Matt Barton’s Matt Chat series is now online, and it features the third and final part of his interview with Tim Cain. They discuss his opinion of Fallout 3 (he likes it), Arcanum, Temple of Elemental Evil,…

Tim Cain Video Interview, Part Two

The 67th episode of Matt Barton’s “Matt Chat” video series is now online, and as we expected, it contains the second portion of his interview with Carbine Studios design director Tim Cain. This time, Tim talks about the philosophy behind…

Chris Avellone Interview

I suppose you could consider this six-page article-style interview with Obsidian Entertainment’s Chris Avellone on gamesTM a gift to those of us celebrating Icewind Dale’s ten-year anniversary. In it, Chris talks about how we broke into the video game industry,…