Book of Spells

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Miscellaneous – Book

BERSERK/Berserk sends the Hero into a frenzy, with greatly increased speed and strength. / FORCE PUSH/This spell creates a powerful blast of energy which radiates out from the caster, sending nearby enemies sprawling. Useful when greatly outnumbered. / ENFLAME/Enflame blasts the area surrounding the caster with a wave of fire. / LIGHTNING/This spell creates and arc of pure energy which leaps from the fingertips of the caster to the target. Higher Levels can strike more than one foe at a time. / FIREBALL/The magician’s favourite! This creates a ball of fire in the palm of the casters hand which flies toward the target when released. Larger Fireballs are extremely explosive. / ASSASSIN’S RUSH/This spell propels the caster through space in the blink of an eye. If a victim is targeted, the spell enables the caster to move behind this unfortunate instantaneously. The thief’s greatest friend! / TURNCOAT/This Insidious spell confuses the enemy, turning the target into an unwitting ally. / SLOW TIME/Slow Time affects the very fabric of time itself: slowing everything in Albion to a crawl. / MULTI-ARROW/Once this spell is cast, each arrow fired is magically transformed into a multitude of death delivering projectiles, causing much greater damage. / SHIELD/For the most passively minded, this allows the caster to reduce the damage of enemy attacks by surrounding him in a protective sphere of energy. / HEAL/This allows the caster to trade in his magical energy for health. A magician’s Favourite! / DRAIN LIFE/A singularly unpleasant spell. Drain Life allows the caster to heal himself by draining his enemies life-force. / MULTI-STRIKE/This spell imbues the user’s blade with the ability to strike multiple times with a single blow. Combined with other spells, this little trick is devastating. / BATTLE CHARGE/The Battle Charge propels the caster forward at great speed, smashing any in his path, and blasting all nearby aside. / SUMMON/Summon pulls an allied creature’s soul from the netherworld to help the caster. If this creature kills another, it is replaced by soul of the newly fallen victim. / GHOSTLY SWORD/This Spell summons a number of ethereal blades from the netherworld to do battle on behalf of the caster.


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