Fable III

Reboot the Game: I Don’t Want to Save the World

The editors over at Bitmob are tired of video games that are based around “wish fulfillment, escapism, and power fantasies”, and have taken it upon themselves to editorialize about other goals they’d like to see in future titles. Indie RPG…

Fable III PC Demo and On Demand Version on May 17th

According to Major Nelson’s latest “coming soon to the Xbox Live Marketplace” post, Microsoft will be releasing a playable demo of Fable III for the PC on May 17th. Additionally, the Xbox 360 version will be available as an “On…

Ask Lionhead #1

The first in what will apparently be a series of “Ask Lionhead” Q&A features is up on the Lionhead Studios website, during which technical director Simon Carter, writer Mark Hill, senior artist David Oxford, and others tackle various questions submitted…

Peter Molyneux on the Future of PC Gaming

With Fable III destined for the PC later this month, Goozer Nation chatted up Lionhead’s Peter Molyneux about his experiences in PC game development and how it differs from console development. DIG: Some studios and designers are transitioning to multiplatform…

Fable III PC Developer Diary Video

Lionhead Studios has released their first developer diary video for the PC version of Fable III, during which several members of the development team talk about the lengths they’ve gone to in order to adapt the control system, change the…

Fable III PC Previews

A couple of websites got the chance to go hands-on with the upcoming PC port of Lionhead’s Fable III and return to share their impressions. Rock, Paper, Shotgun. Unchanged and likely to remain as divisive on PC as it was…

Fable III PC Interview

PC gaming blog Rock, Paper, Shotgun offers a pretty good interview with Fable III lead designer Josh Atkins, who gives some nice-sounding answers to some tough question. RPS: So you’re confident there is enough business there? Other publishers have claimed…

Fable III PC Interviews

Mike West, the senior designer behind Lionhead’s forthcoming PC port of Fable III, took some time out of his day to chat with NowGamer and IncGamers about a number of topics related to the action RPG sequel and the new…

Saints vs. Sinners: How Do You Play Games?

In a new “Saints vs. Sinners: How Do You Play Games?” piece, IGN Australia examines the moral decisions that were available to us while playing Fable, BioShock, Red Dead Redemption, and a few earlier titles, and whether or not the…