Fable III

Fable III Previews

Another wave of previews has sprung forth from Lionhead’s presentation of Fable III, and the consensus seems to be there’s not much to get pissed off about. Kotaku lists the three big innovations: touch, weapons, and kingly responsibility. “You tell her…

Fable III Previews, Molyneux’s Big Gameplay Changes Revealed

During Microsoft’s X10 event today in San Francisco, Peter Molyneux finally revealed the gameplay changes they’re making to Fable III that will ultimately “piss some fans off” – experience points and health bars are being removed. Supposedly that secures the…

Five Ways Fable III Could Piss You Off

Perplexed by Peter Molyneux’s admission during a recent Gamereactor interview that gamers will be “super pissed off” when he reveals something about Fable III, IGN UK has put together a list of five potential announcements that would do just that.…

Fable III to Upset People

As could be expected, Fable III is getting a headstart on crazy promises and one-liners long before its release. Gamereactor has a video interview with Molyneux, in which he makes the following assertion (courtesy Fragland). There’s some very very big things…

Peter Molyneux Interviews

There are two new interviews with Lionhead Studios’ Peter Molyneux up on the web today, starting with a twelve-minute video interview on Gamereactor about independent game development, how talking about features that haven’t been implemented yet gets him into trouble,…

Will Lionhead Change The RPG?

IncGamers is offering up an editorial that poses the question “Will Lionhead change the RPG?”, based on Peter Molyneux’s claim that they’ll be replacing “one of the central tenets of RPG gaming” in Fable III. Cue the speculation: The most…

Pete Molyneux to Speak on Fable III at GDC

VideoGamer.com reveals Peter Molyneux will speak at GDC 2010 in March, delivering a lecture entitled “The Complex Challenges of Intuitive Design”. Together with fellow designer Josh Atkins, Molyneux will discuss ways to “ensure that gamers of all abilities can quickly and…

Fable III Preview

Billed as a Fable III preview, this article on Next Gen News is really more of a brief history lesson on Lionhead Studios’ entire Fable franchise. Here’s a bit on Molyneux’s many early promises for Project Ego/Fable: Project Ego was a…

Fable III “Albion Painting” Wallpaper

Because things have been so quiet on the Fable III front lately, Lionhead Studios has released a new wallpaper that depicts an excellent piece of Albion concept art. You can grab it in a variety of resolutions here.

Fable III: What We Want

IGN has cranked out a short list of improvements they’d like the team at Lionhead Studios to consider while developing Fable III. Fable II is the reference point: Choices GaloreMost games with morality offer only a handful of real choices…