Fable III

Fable III Combat Footage

Voodoo Extreme has returned from Comic-Con with some combat-heavy gameplay footage from Lionhead Studios’ Fable III. The clip is pretty short, but it’s obvious that the game’s combat system shares some striking similarities with Fable II.

Fable III Interviews

Two more Fable III interviews appeared on the ‘net this weekend, including this article-style discussion with Peter Molyneux over at Digital Spy: For Fable III, Molyneux has taken the bold move for an RPG of not including any 2D menus…

Peter Molyneux Interview

Eurogamer has slapped up a three-page interview that they conducted with Lionhead’s Peter Molyneux during this year’s Develop conference. In it, they talk about Fable III, console development, how video games have become a “serious” industry, and what it’s like…

Fable III Screenshots

Fable III is on display at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con, so naturally a fistful of new screenshots have hit the PR cycle. Head over to our image gallery to check ’em out.

Fable III Interview

GamesIndustry.biz has wrangled up another three-page interview with Lionhead’s Peter Molyneux (registration required), with most of the Q&A focusing on Fable III and the state of the video game industry. Q: So what pushes you to go to the level…

Fable III Preview

The guys over at BeefJack have conjured up a preview of Fable III based on the demonstration and commentary provided by Peter Molyneux at this year’s Develop Conference. So combat’s been tweaked again. It’s all a one-button system, ostensibly simplified…

Fable III Preview

Yet another E3-based preview of Fable III has made its way to the Internet, and this time it comes to us via Xboxer360. The usual excerpt: A rather eerie opportunity arose during my time in Brightwood. I could walk up…

Fable III Previews

Both GamesRadar and Play.tm are offering up new previews of Fable III, which one would presume are based on the build shown at this week’s Develop conference. A snip from GamesRadar’s article: Fable has always been a haven of likeable,…

Fable III Preview

The guys at VideoGamer have gotten around to publishing a two-page preview of Fable III based on the build that was available on the show floor of E3. They also throw in some Develop 2010 tidbits: Pressing the start button…

Fable III Preview and Further Details

Peter Molyneux has been busy demonstrating Fable III at this year’s Develop conference, so we now have further details about how the game will be “streamlined”, how the new leveling system will work, and what we should expect from the game’s storyline.…