The Bloodstone Bludgeon

fable iii equipment thebloodstonebludgeon

Equipment – Legendary Weapon (Hammer)

Value: 8100
  • 5-Star: 114

Ogre (Augment): +16 extra damage.
  • Decrease your moral standing.
Arrogance (Augment): +30% damage vs. human enemies.
  • Kill 5 people who love you.
Heartless (Augment): Gain money with each hit.
  • Drag 8 villagers to work.
Location: The Sanctuary – Received as a gift after installing the Free Weapons Pack DLC

Wielded by an unknown but mighty pirate in the great Bloodstone uprising, this hammer has seen things no hammer should see, and done things no hammer should do.

Installation: Free Weapons Pack DLC

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