Fable II

Morality in Fable II

After taking Lionhead’s Fable II for another spin, one of the editors at Bitmob has taken a closer look at the shortcomings in the game’s morality system. And, well, the problems with many of the morality systems in recent video…

Fable III Press Release, Fable II Episodic Distribution

Within the freshly dispatched Fable III press release, Microsoft and Lionhead Studios outline plans to release Fable II as five separate episodic parts on Xbox Live. Compassion or Cruelty? The Race for the Crown of Albion Begins in “Fable III”…

Fable II Game of the Year Edition Emerges

Some of Lionhead’s eagle-eyed forum members have spotted a Fable II Game of the Year Edition on Play.com, which includes the original game plus its two DLC addons, Knothole Island and See the Future. ‘¢ Includes Original Fable II plus…

Lionhead Studios Website Countdown

Lionhead Studios has kicked off a five-day countdown on their official website, with today’s placeholder featuring a quote from Abraham Lincoln: “Be not deceived. Revolutions do not go backward.” The enormous “4” in the background suggests that we’ll be treated…