Knothole Island’s Big Freeze – Fable II

This guide will help you complete the Knothole Island’s Big Freeze quest in the Knothole Island DLC for Fable II.

Knothole Island’s Big Freeze Walkthrough

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Once you have the Knothole Island DLC installed, you’ll notice this new quest sitting in your journal. Fast travel to Bowerstone Market if you aren’t already there, then pay a visit to the docks to meet a “common citizen person” named Gordon. When he recognizes you as “an adventuring hero fighting thingee”, he recites a speech explaining that Knothole Island is in dire need of help. It seems that winter has gripped the island, and the locals are searching for someone who can recover the sun totem. That someone is you, and should you accept, Gordon’s even authorized to give you gifts as a token of their appreciation. These “gifts” are all-new items introduced in the add-on – a One Burned Calorie Potion, some Solar Shielding Spectacles, a pair of Assassin Gloves, a set of Knothole Knight Boots, and a book called Knothole Island, Vol I.

Using Gordon’s submarine, you’ll arrive on the Knothole docks with instructions to talk to the chieftain in his office at the center of town. Follow the quest-defined path leading to the first building on your left as you enter town, then chat with the chieftain to find out more about the sun totem. Apparently you’re going to need the Ice Key from some sort of ice shrine in order to retrieve the totem, so that’ll be our first task. The chieftain tells you that it was buried by the town’s last warrior somewhere near a frozen water hole.

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Exiting the chieftain’s building, you’ll want to make a left and follow the ice-covered lake to a large hill with a winding path up its side. The path is guarded by shadow versions of various creatures, so be careful as you make your way up. At the top, your quest guide will highlight the particular area of snow where you should dig. Swing your shovel into the frozen ground here and, sure enough, you’ll find the Ice Key. With the key in hand, return to the town and take the path to the right of Alira’s Mole House. This will bring you up a rocky cliff to the door leading into the Ice Shrine, which you can unlock with your newly acquired key.

Proceed down the snowy entry hall, then make short work of the Hobbes infesting the first main room. Afterward, smash through the icicles behind the igloo to your right to discover a chest containing a Deep Skin Beauty Treatment. You can now vault down through the opening in the ice on the far side of the room. Pull the lever in this lower chamber (there’s also a dive spot hiding a Fat-Burner Potion), then pass through the newly melted doorway to the large room beyond.

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An ice-encased lever and blocks of ice obstructing your advance can be found around this room, so you’ll need to find a way to start the thawing process before you can proceed any further. Take the hallway to your right (fighting a wave of shadow creatures as you do) and it will bring you to a room containing four melee targets in front of four sets of lightning-spewing gargoyles. The idea here is to strike the melee targets in the correct succession to disable all four sets of gargoyles. There are multiple methods to do this, but the simplest seems to be to attack (from left to right) target #4, #1, then #3. Now that the lever beyond the lightning is accessible, pull it to melt one of the icy obstructions in the previous room. Before returning, smash the ice near the base of the bridge to discover that you can vault down to a lower walkway. Another lever rests here, which you’ll want to pull in order to thaw the chest out in the main ice chamber. Continue down the walkway and take the ladder up to find Knothole Island, Vol II resting on the nearby ledge. Vault down from here and you’re free to return to the main chamber.

Kill the shadow creatures that appear when you return, then pop the two newly revealed chests in the room to score a Perfect Skin Augment and some Bandit Gloves. Next, pass through the doorway to your right (or your left if you’re looking at the room from the doorway you originally entered) and into the second lightning trap chamber. The target hovering above the floor to your right must be hit in this order to deactivate the lightning traps – melee, ranged, magic, melee, magic, ranged, melee, magic, range, melee, melee. Each consecutive hit makes the target move faster and hitting it incorrectly or too slow causes the target to reset itself. Once you’ve successfully completed the sequence, the statue on the opposite end of the room shatters and the gargoyles cease their lightning-spewing ways. Pull the lever and dig up The Gangreen Fairy in the corner, the return to the previous room once more.

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A third wave of shadow creatures will have to be dispatched upon your return, so be prepared. When they’re all dead, the ice covering the central lever will be melted. Between this lever and the previous one that you pulled, you should be able to melt all of the ice blocking your way down the chamber’s chest-filled hallway. Open the second chest containing the Knothole Knight Trousers, then continue into the doorway to reach a rocky chamber that’s surprisingly filled with fire. Vault down to the central platform and kill the wave of shadow creatures that appear when you do, then vault down once more and follow the ledge to your right to discover another chest containing a Feeble Scar Vanishing Potion. Backtrack your way along the ledge and you’ll realize that you’ve finally found the Sun Totem. Activate it and you’ll be immediately teleported to a stone platform elsewhere on the island.

It’s no longer snowing and the frozen lake has already completely melted, so you’ll find a much different landscape as you meander your way back into town. There are quite a few dig spots along the way, so don’t be surprised if it takes you awhile to get back. The chieftain is delighted to have sunshine beating down on Knothole Island again, and even pats you on the back for being an “adequate champion”. With the quest complete, you receive 150 renown points and the Ice Key trophy. Unfortunately, the sunshine becomes a bit of a problem and you’ll find yourself moving on to fix Knothole Island’s Huge Heat.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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