Dextrous Styles

fable ii skill dextrousstyles

Ability (Skill)

Increase your knowledge in Dextrous Styles to unlock four important abilities: Roll, Aimed Ranged Attack, Zoom, and Sub-Targeting. Roll will keep you out of harm’s way during combat, the Aimed Ranged Attack ability is required to complete the Gargoyles quest, Zoom gives you an extra damage boost when firing from afar, and Sub-Targeting provides you with the entertainment value associated with specifically shooting at an enemy’s limbs and head (and it’s required to attain The Black Knight achievement).

Level 1 (300 XP): Roll
Level 2 (3000 XP): Aimed Ranged Attack
Level 3 (18000 XP): Zoom
Level 4 (72000 XP): Sub-Targeting

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