
Classes: Cleric, Fighter, Mage, Ranger, Thief, Fighter/Mage, Fighter/Thief, Mage/Thief, Fighter/Mage/Thief
Ability Score Modifiers: Dexterity +1, Constitution -1

Elves are slimmer and somewhat shorter than the average human and are easily distinguished by their fine features and pointed ears. They often live for more than 1,200 years. Elves do not like the confines of civilization. They delight in natural beauty, singing, and carefree playing. To outsiders, elves often appear to be haughty and cold, although they are known to be fiercely loyal to friends.

Elves of all classes are taught archery from a very young age, and they receive a +1 bonus with any type of bow, and long or short swords. Elves are highly resistant to any type of Sleep or Charm spell.

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