

Classes: Cleric, Fighter, Thief, Fighter/Cleric, Fighter/Thief
Ability Score Modifiers: Constitution +1, Charisma -1
Level Restriction: Cleric (10)

Dwarves are a short, heavily built demi-human race. They stand between 4 and 4 1/2 feet tall, but generally weigh more than 150 pounds due to their heavily muscled build. Dwarves live from 350 to 450 years. They are famous for their skill in all manner of crafts, from metalworking to stone masonry. Dwarven weapons command high prices in markets around the world, and pieces of their fine jewelry are literally part of every king’s ransom. In addition to intricate workmanship, dwarves are known for tremendous courage and tenacity that borders on the fanatic.

Dwarves are by nature non-magical, and have innate resistances to spells as well as many poisons.

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