eye of the beholder iii bestiary troll


Trolls are horrid carnivores found in all climes: from arctic wastelands to tropical jungles. Most creatures avoid these beasts because trolls know no fear and attack unceasingly when hungry (which is most of the time). Their limited intelligence and ravenous appetites are commonly known character traits. They grow to a height of 9 feet or more. A rubbery hide serves as skin, and regenerates at a phenomenal rate. The color of this “skin” is a nauseating moss green, mottled green and gray, or putrid gray. A writhing hair-like mass grows from their skulls and is usually greenish black or iron gray in color. Trolls walk upright, but hunched forward with sagging shoulders. Their gait is uneven, and when they run their arms dangle freely — often dragging along the ground. In spite of this awkwardness and pathetic lack of grace, trolls are extremely agile climbers and runners.

Appears In: Temple Quarter Ruins

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