eye of the beholder iii bestiary hag


Hags are witch-like beings that spread havoc and destruction, working their magic and slaying all whom they encounter. They appear as wretched old women with long, frayed hair and withered faces. Grotesque moles and warts dot their blotchy skin. They wear clothing similar to that of peasant women. Their mouths contain blackened teeth, and their breath is foul. Though they appear wrinkled and weak, hags possess supernatural strength and can easily crush smaller creatures (goblins, for example) with one hand. And though hags look decrepit and dilapidated, they run surprisingly swiftly — they can even lithely bound over and around rocks and logs in their path. Iron-like claws grow from their skinny fingers. They use these claws and their supernatural strength to rend and tear opponents in combat.

Appears In: Guildhall Quarter Ruins

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